The Worst Witch Wiki

A List of Books in the Worst Witch universe, such as Cackle's Academy textbooks and library books.

List of Books[]

Title Image
The Popular Book of Spells

A first year textbook at Cackle's Academy. Students are presented with a copy at the end of their first year, which is described as a 'Three-inch-thick volume bound in black leather', although they have paperback editions for use in class.[1]

Spell Sessions Two:

A second year textbook at Cackle's Academy. It includes insect transformation spells. (The Worst Witch Saves the Day)

Year Three Spell Sessions:

A third year textbook at Cackle's Academy. It includes a chapter on growth potions. (The Worst Witch Saves the Day)

The Witches' Code: A book of rules which all witches must abide by. The rules themselves appear to have magical properties, for instance: Agatha Cackle and her cohorts are unable to cast spells after swearing an oath not to do so. The Witches Code handbook is a required textbook at Cackle's Academy.

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The Practical Book of Potions: Book 1

A series of textbooks at Cackle's Academy. Miss Hardbroom confiscates book 1 from Mildred when she brings it to the potion test in A Mean Halloween.

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The Practical Book of Potions: Book 3

In Learning the Hard Way, Mildred and her friends study from book 3 with Miss Gribble. Book 1 is seen in first year, and book 3 in third year, implying there is one volume for each year.

Potions book3
Spell Book:

Kept in the library at Cackle's Academy, contains animal transformations spells and the reversing spell. (A Pig in a Poke)

Spell book pig poke5
War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy

A real world book, known for being serious and very long. Miss Bat is laughing at this in The Heat is On.

Book of Fairy Stories:

Kept in the library at Cackle's Academy, contains the story of the Snow Queen who places a splinter of glass in Kay's heart, which puts him under her power. (Sorcery and Chips)

Fairy book sorcery and chips
The Forbidden Almanac of Anarchy and Unruly Spells:

Used by Sybil Hallow to change Mistress Broomhead back into a child. (The Inspector Calls)

Forbidden spell book inspector calls

Ancient Customs and traditions of Cackle’s Academy: Details traditions such as the Master of the revels and upside down day. (Animal Magic)

Customs of cackles academy
Brewing up for Trouble: The Curse of the Workaholic Witch:

Miss Cackle lends this to Miss Hardbroom. (Carried Away)

Secrets of the Orient:

Has instructions for making a magic lamp. Kept in Fenella’s room. (The Genius of the Lamp)

Secerts of the orient
The True Life and Times of Hermione Cackle:

Details Hermione Cackle's exploits as Cackle the Jackal. (Up in the Air)

The Uses and Abuses of Invisibility Potions:

Miss Drill levitates items in the staffroom, including this book. (Power Drill)

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Spells for Beginners:

When Miss Drill is given temporary witch powers, she tries some spells from this book. (Power Drill)

Spells for beginners
Magicus Musicalis:

Contains dangerous spells such as the bell of the lost chord. (The Lost Chord)

Magicus musicalis
Ten Dangerous Spells for Dire Circumstances

A photo of Miss Hardbroom shows her reading this book. Miss Crochet is also seen carrying it in The Unfairground.

Historica Magica:

Mildred and Jadu have to copy this out when they are suspended. It is a very thick book. (The Uninvited)

Ancient Customs and Traditions of Witchcraft:

Mildred's friends use this as a decoy to switch with the Mytheocopia. (The Uninvited)

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The Mytheocopia:

Used to summon mythical creatures. Includes the Gargoyle, Sea Serpent, Unicorn and The Uninvited. (The Uninvited)

The Enchanted Book of Potions:

(New WW- Truth or Lies)

Cackle's Academy Prospectus

Given to new students and their parents. This book will tell you everything I need to know about the Academy.[2] (2017 TV Series)

Spelling Bee Rulebook

Miss Pentangle consults this during the Spelling Bee

Spelling bee rulebook
A Brief Witchory of the World

Maud lends this to Mildred so she can look for her ancestors. (The First Witch)

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An A-Z of Cat Names

Presumably helps witches choose a name for their cat. (2017 TV Series)

Geography of Magical Places

(2017 TV Series)

History of Witchcraft

A textbook at Cackle's Academy. (2017 TV Series)

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Health and Safety

A large tome on health and safety written by Miss Gullet. (2017 TV Series)

Gullet HeathSafetyBook
Great Wizards

(2017 TV Series)

Potion Encylopedia Vol III

(2017 TV Series)

Influential Witches Throughout The Ages

(2017 TV Series)

The Witches' Garden

(2017 TV Series)

The Witch's Guide to Essential Antidotes

Miss Bat owns this book, Enid uses it to find an antidote for the Clone Spell. (2017 TV Series)

Chanting for Level II Chantsmiths

Has at least 7 volumes.(2017 TV Series)

Ethel Chanting
Miss Stich’s Magical Fashion Fixes, Volumes 1 and 2

Used by Julie Hubble to attempt to shrink a dress to he right size, but she shrunk Mildred by mistake, then turned her into a doll. Volume One contains the the spell to change the size of clothes. The reversal spell is in volume two. (2017 TV Series)

Miss stitch
Roman and Julia

A sad story about star-crossed sorcerers; a reference to Shakepeare's Romeo and Juliet. (2017 TV Series)

Roman and julia
Laboratory Rule Book

Beatrice uses this to study for her potions test. (2017 TV Series)

Advanced Magical Baking

One of Miss Tapioca’s cook books (2017 TV Series)


